Thursday, January 23, 2014

Baja Bound, Part 13. Coyote Beach on the Bahia Concepcion, Sea of Cortez

Bay of Conception, Baja California Sur

Lynne and Dave Wheatley, Lisa's parents, are the reason we are travelling on the Baja here in Mexico. They have been staying down here for the winters for the last few years. And after driving all the way up and down the Baja Peninsula, they definitely managed to choose the best beach with the warmest waters. Wow. They are camping on Coyote Beach on the Bay of Conception on the Sea of Cortez.
Bahia Concepcion, Sea of Cortez

This is a white sandy beach about 30 minutes south of Mulegé. All along the Bahia Concepcion are a string of beautiful protected white sandy beaches. This is a National Marine Preserve. 

Most of these beaches belong to "ejidos", and the local farmers collect camping fees. For more information about ejidos :

Along some of the beaches, a number of Americans and Canadians have built semi permanent homes. The property rights and rules are still discussed by the locals.
Palapa on Coyote Beach

Lynne and Dave stay here in their motor-home and pay a small fee including for the rental of a Palapa Lynne uses as her art studio. 

Throughout the week, local farmers visit the beaches and offer fresh vegetables, seafood, and homemade goodies for sale. It is a great system. The farmers also look after the garbage and sell fresh water in big barrels. 

Most people, even the locals drink bottled water. Although, I must say, I was not very diligent in washing vegetables and fruits in disinfectant after a while, and we never had a problem.
Peter and Anders the Glass Artists

One afternoon Lynne took us to see Peter, a glass artist at the end of the beach. Anders and Peter had a good time. Anders created a Polar Bear resembling more a badger.

David, his brother Peter, and Anders went fishing around the different islands in the bay and came back with lots of Trigger Fish and other species.
The Boys are going Fishing

In the meantime, the girls, Lynne, her sister-in-law Dee and I went for lunch at the local Taqueria enjoying generous Margaritas.
The Girls doing Lunch

All day long we swam in the bay in the beautiful warm waters. Anders also went snorkeling. He was all exited at the schools of fish he swam through.

Pelicans diving in the Bay

In the evenings we celebrated Happy Hour, ate wonderful meals, and went to bed at Baja Midnight ( 8pm ). Stars in the Milky way were shining brightly.

For more pictures, check out our web album.

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